Het verhaal van Teodor

Veel van onze medewerkers keerden vanwege het coronavirus terug naar huis. Wij vroegen hen hoe dat is gegaan. Lees hier het verhaal van Teodor.

Waarom moest je terug naar Roemenië?

"Unfortunately Corona Virus was the reason we had to go home. Because the client mentioned that there was one potential corona contamination on the project, there was no possibility unfortunately to continue that project.

Hoe ging de reis vanuit Nederland naar Roemenië? 

"Schiphol was completely empty, but the travel with the plane was like any other trip. TPS paid my flight ticket and a colleague brought me to Schiphol, I think that in this situation it is normal that you get support from your company."

Hoe is de situatie thuis? 

"In Holland there was more freedom than in Romania. Here in Romania the police go in street with Megaphones and announce everyone to stay in the house. Everyday the police is doing patrols to check whether I stay in the house. If I don’t stay in the house they will isolate me in a special arranged place (hotels, army stations) and I will have to stay another 14 days in forced quarantine."

Hoe ziet de nabije toekomst eruit?

"In two/three weeks not much will change from now. But hopefully after one month, also what I saw on TV, that probably beginning June will be better. Because we have only 1700 people that are monitored and known contaminated with Corona. In the Netherlands 8000 people are contaminated. In Romania there is another mentality, much more strict."

Ben je van plan weer terug te keren op één van de TPS projecten?

"Yes of course I want to!"
