Veel van onze medewerkers keerden vanwege het coronavirus terug naar huis. Wij vroegen hen hoe dat is gegaan. Lees hier het verhaal van George.
Waarom moest je terug naar Roemenië?
"Because the client mentioned that there was one potential corona contamination on the project, there was no possibility unfortunately to continue that project."
Hoe ging de reis vanuit Nederland naar Roemenië?
"I went home by car, there was a lot of cars and police patrol at every border on the road back to Romania. You had to show documents like ID’s, and the route that was to be made. At the Romanian border I had to wait 8 hours because of too much people and cars that wanted to access Romania. I had to complete a paper with my personal address details, because after some days there would be a visit at the house to verify if there was any potential case of Corona contamination. TPS gave financial support for the trip back home which we appreciated very much, and there were answers to all our questions in this crises."
Hoe is de situatie thuis?
"In Romania in general, everyone who came to Romania back from outside country has to stay at home 14 days in Quarantine. Two or three days after I arrived at my house, the police came to my house to check how I am doing and they made some registration about my personal health. Some friends who work at the police told me that in case I leave my house during this quarantine I risk a fine of €4.000,-."
Hoe ziet de nabije toekomst eruit?
"The future for now is very insecure. What I saw in the Netherlands and now in Romania ar e quite identical situation, and unfortunately no one can foresee the future."
Ben je van plan weer terug te keren op één van de TPS projecten?
"Yes of course I want to!"