Het verhaal van Eugen

Veel van onze medewerkers keerden vanwege het coronavirus terug naar huis. Wij vroegen hen hoe dat is gegaan. Lees hier het verhaal van Eugen.

Waarom moest je terug naar Roemenië?

"It was very hard for me to go back because I was well integrated in the TPS company. Due to the corona virus, there was a potential danger for contamination so unfortunately we were forced to go home. TPS was very kind and told me that they support my transport back home with some money of course. But the most important thing was to support me when everything will be finished that they give me the confidence to go back again and to start the project. I feel the confidence and have the full faith in TPS that I can start working in the Netherlands for TPS anytime soon."

Hoe is de situatie thuis? 

"Because I came from one country which have more than 500 cases of COVID-contaminations, it was necessary to stay 2 weeks in total isolation at home. What can I say. It’s not easy, but I understood that this is the only thing in which I can contribute to my own health and the health for people around me. So it’s normal that I stay because I don’t want to become sick so hopefully after this isolation I have the prove of not being contaminated by the virus and I can hopefully go back to work soon."

Hoe ziet de nabije toekomst eruit?

"Right now it is not only about Romania, but what I saw on TV and what we received as information, it is not solved within a couple of weeks from now. There is no good faith for whole Europe for the coming weeks. Same problems arise everywhere, economical problems, medical problems."

Ben je van plan weer terug te keren op één van de TPS projecten?

"Yes of course I want to!"
