Het verhaal van Catalin

Veel van onze medewerkers keerden vanwege het coronavirus terug naar huis. Wij vroegen hen hoe dat is gegaan. Lees hier het verhaal van Catalin.

Waarom moest je terug naar Roemenië?

"There was a problem on the project and the work perspective wasn’t really good because of the virus this project was stopped. I wanted to remain in Holland, but I spoke with Bram from TPS and then I spoke to the other guys from the project and they all told me that the project was finished. Even though TPS gave me the confidence I could stay in their housing for sure, I decided to go back home to Romania to join my mother."

Hoe is de situatie thuis? 

"I am currently at my mothers house in isolation for 14 days. I decided to go to my mother because she has a bigger house that’s more comfortable. For the moment it is okay. We are not allowed to go out, but we speak with the neighbours to take some food for us from the store because we are not allowed to go out and the police comes every day to check if we do stay at home like we have been told to do."

Hoe ziet de nabije toekomst eruit?

"In all the countries there is a similar situation, but I think it completely depends on the people that they follow the rules and stay at home in isolation so that we as the people of this country can have the faith that this pandemic will be over maybe already within one month. The government also advices us to stay in Romania and don’t travel abroad. In Romania there are not so many deaths so far, in other countries more casualties are there because of the virus."

Ben je van plan weer terug te keren op één van de TPS projecten?

"Yes of course I want to!"
