
Personnel in the utility sector

In the field of new construction, finishing, maintenance or renovation of (office) buildings, the technical component is not only essential during the design phase. In principle, it is important to have a technical specialist on hand during the entire construction process. Now, this question often comes and goes during the various construction phases, which is why flexible technical personnel is a useful solution. TPS supplies international professionals for projects in all kinds of environments, including shops, office spaces, trade fairs/showrooms, the catering industry, schools, cinemas, theatres and museums.

Our technical personnel not only have the knowledge, but also the experience. For example, we have successfully completed projects for Kropman, Gielissen and Van den Oever. Partly due to the extensive knowledge of our technicians, these projects have been successfully expanded into permanent collaborations, in which we ensure that we link the same technicians to the project as often as possible.

What we can do for you

In the utility sector you can hire the following electrical personnel via TPS:

Why choose TPS?

Each project requires a different expertise. TPS connects technicians with the right knowledge and experience to a project based on your request. TPS supplies both one technician and complete teams with various expertise, for short and long projects. Thanks in part to this flexibility, parties in the utility construction sector like to work with us.

In addition to delivering good work, we also find it important that we take good care of our staff. After all, a pleasant (working) environment produces satisfied and hard-working staff. All our technicians are therefore provided with a complete set of tools, additional technical training, possible language courses, neat housing and their own company car.

Want to see what we can do for you? Feel free to contact us!

Jim Touw

Head of Recruitment & Client Relations